Chicago InfraGard Programs

The Chicago Chapter of the Infragard Members Alliance hosts educational programs throughout the year.

Below is a list of the scheduled meetings and programs for the chapter.

Date/Time Event
8:00 am - 12:00 pm
Q1 Quarterly Meeting
Chicago Old Post Offuce, Chicago IL
8:00 am - 12:00 pm
Q2 Quarterly Meeting
Old Chicago Post Office, Chicago IL
8:00 am - 12:00 pm
Q3 Quarterly Meeting
Old Chicago Post Office, Chicago IL

Have an idea for a program, please complete our Program Suggestion Form and email it to [email protected].

Check out the Chicago InfraGard EventBrite Site for more programming.

*Unless otherwise designated, all meetings are open and do not require membership to attend (however registration is required). Attendance is open to anyone interested in sharing information on threats, vulnerabilities to our critical infrastructures, as well as homeland security issues. Security practitioners from the identified infrastructure sectors are especially encouraged to attend.

Newsletter Subscription:

If you would like to be e-mailed on upcoming meetings and other events in the Chicagoland area, please fill out the form below: